The procedure | Correction of gyneacomastia

Gyneacomastia is the development of breast tissue in men. Sometimes this occurs in young men in puberty due to hormonal changes, in others it can be due to medication or to overweight. In most though, the cause is unknown. The swelling of the breast region is mostly due to a combination of fat and breast gland. Correction therefore is usually done by liposuction and resection.

Where will I be operated?

The operation will be performed in the fully equipped operation theatre of the Radetzky villa.

What can I expect of the operation?

Your surgeon will always see you before the operation and will talk you through the steps. Markings will be made on your breasts and pictures will be taken for documentation. The operation will be performed under sedation and will take approximately 60 minutes. The procedure will start with the liposuction of the excess of fat. The breast gland tissue is then resected via a small scar next to the areola. With a small instrument the blood vessels that are transsected will be sealed, after which the wounds are closed. Drains will be left in your breasts at time of the operation and will either be removed before you go home or on the next day.

What are the risks?

Most common complications are the risk of postoperative haemorrhage or infection (1-3%). Both can be dealt effectively and at limited physical cost if noted at an early stage. The sensitivity of your nipples may be changed after surgery. Both loss of or increased sensitivity does occur in a minority of cases, but in most this normalises over time.

What can I expect after the operation?

Immediately after the operation you will experience some tightness on your chest. Your skin will adjust to the new situation and the initial swelling will subside in a matter of days, after which this feeling will disappear. Sometimes irregularities appear, which mostly settle over time. You are allowed to shower on the day after the procedure. You are required to wear the pressure garment we provide you with day and night for 6 weeks.

What will the scars be like?

When breast tissue needs to be resected, the scars will be placed around the lower half of your areolas. They are usually visible in the first few months because of the difference of colour compared to their surroundings. Thickness and colour however will disappear over the course of a few months and the scars will be come less conspicuous over time.

How long before I can resume my normal life?

Most manage to return to light activities in the first few days after surgery, and return to work after a week (depending on physical requirements). Sports activities can on average be resumed after 4 to 6 weeks. Please listen to your body though; pain is a protective mechanism so if certain movements are painful please refrain from doing them. In the following months the final swelling will slowly disappear, but it may still be uncomfortable to lie on your front for a while. Sometimes unexpected movements still may give rise to sudden twinges, but this frequency will reduce over time. Total healing time is known to take one year.

What is good to know about the long term?

Fat that is taken out does not return. If you gain weight however, it also will show in this area.

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